Travel Technology Group (TTG), from its establishment in 1999, specializes on wide spectrum of services in the sphere of planning and organizing of corporate events and business travels.
The company has realized over 300 successful projects different in scale, location and directivity. Our clients and partners are considerable number of Russian and foreign companies and organizations.
The company develops dynamically. The list of services is constantly increasing; the quality of the product is improving.
 Open Air Various decisions for actions on open air
 Congress-Hotels The best congress-hotels of Moscow and Moscow suburbs

Group of companies Verysell expresses intimate gratitude of company TTG for magnificent
statement of projects in sphere events communications: "Verysell's NY Party 2005 " and " Birthday of group Verysell ". We recommend Travel Technology
Group as the reliable and creative contractor for this type of projects.
Denis Gudym PR-Director Verysell group of companies